It’s all about ‘me’, with you: Exploring auto-ethnographic methodology
This article presents an excerpt from a longer dissertation which recorded face-to-face conversations with academic peers. It aims to challenge the preconceptions that often guide the thoughts and actions of tutors. Exploring the characteristics of ‘autoethnography’ (Ellis and Bochner, 2000), the story-telling dynamics and biographical nature of this concept are projected through the lens of a fictional account. Using a multi-layered structure, the article blends a theoretical academic text (a literature review) with a fictional narrative to create a critically reflective account and present an alternative way of reporting qualitative research.
conversation, critical reflection, auto-ethnography
Author Biography
Neil Drabble
Neil Drabble has been teaching at London College of Fashion since 2013, and was appointed as Course Leader of BA (Hons) Fashion Photography in 2016. Neil successfully completed his PgCert in 2011 and was awarded Fellowship of the HEA. In 2016 he successfully completed an MA in Academic Practice. Academic research engaged with during Neil’s MA has been utilised to inform talks with academic colleagues and peers within LCF’s School of Media and Communication, looking at pedagogical aspects of ‘Conversation, Communication and Collaboration’ and ‘Learning Environments’. Neil has been the recipient of the prestigious Arts SU & UAL ‘Highly Commended’ teaching award on numerous occasions, and was winner of the principal Arts SU & UAL Teaching Award in 2016. Neil’s photographic work has been purchased for the primary collections of National Portrait Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museum, and his work has been included in numerous exhibitions both nationally and internationally.
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