On the spectrum within art and design academic practice

What is the role of art and design practice within neurodiversity? Framed by an exploration of the relationship between neurodiversity and design, this media submission showcases a series of artworks that aim to open questions and share reflections on neurodivergent artistic practices. Developed as a reflective piece, this media-paper aims to contribute to discussions around neurodivergent thinking within art and design disciplines.
neurodiversity, Asperger syndrome, autism spectrum, art, design, mixed-media
Supplementary File(s)
In the Spectrum within Art & Design Academic PracticeAuthor Biography
Luca M. Damiani
Luca M. Damiani is a Media Artist and an Associate Lecturer on BA (Hons) Graphic and Media Design at London College of Communication. Luca practices internationally in the fields of the Arts, Digital Media and Visual Culture. He works and experiments with creative techniques such as digital tech, illustration-animation, photography, coding and mix-media. With a multi-methodological approach, Luca explores artistic processes re-considering the combination of methods. His ongoing research-based practice looks at various areas of applied art and design, with the main focus on technology, digital art, neurodiversity, and human rights. A published artist-author of several books and papers, his work is actively exhibited and showcased. Luca has collaborated with many institutions, such as: Computer Arts Society, Mozilla Foundation, NESTA, Amnesty International, BBC, TATE, V&A and Thames & Hudson.
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