Inside, in between and out: How can psychogeography be beneficial to teaching and learning in higher education?
Traditional pedagogic approaches to the teaching of everyday life and cultural theory raise the question of whether they allow students to fully experience everyday life if they’re always taught in a physical classroom. Might being consciously engaged with the everyday environment help students gain a deeper understanding of the theoretical lessons taught? By looking at psychogeography practices within different conceptual learning spaces and how psychogeography-influenced writings can be used to learn more about the city, this article examines how psychogeography can be beneficial to learning and teaching in higher education.
psychogeography, pedagogy, urban walking, the city, everyday life, cultural theory
Supplementary File(s)
The Timeline of Psychogeography Diagram of a Thinking process Inside, In Between and Out: How can Psychogeography be beneficial to teaching and learning in Higher Education?Author Biography
Ngọc Triệu
Ngọc Triệu grew up in Hanoi, Vietnam. She is a photographer, design researcher and manager. Her research areas of interest include psychogeography, social design, visual cultures and Japanology. While she isn’t busy brainstorming ideas to solve a problem, she loves to do Kendo, reading, hiking in the woods, contemplating the moon, taking pictures of friends when they don’t notice, composing haiku and having good conversations over coffee. Ngọc graduated from BA (Hons) Design Management and Cultures, London College of Communication in July 2017.
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