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University of the Arts London

The culture of Cultural Studies: Accommodating the latecomer


There is a tendency amongst students in art and design education to perceive Cultural and Historical Studies as a subject marginal to their practice, and therefore their learning experience. This essay attempts an ethnographic analysis of whether this is the case on the BA (Hons) Fashion Photography course at London College of Fashion. The research aim was to identify strategies that might improve the status of the often dreaded Cultural and Historical Studies component.


Theory, Cultural Studies, Fashion Photography


Author Biography

Dr Vlastimir Sudar

Dr Vlastimir Sudar is an Associate Lecturer in Cultural and Historical Studies at LCF, teaching on a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. He obtained his PhD in Film Studies at the University of St Andrews in 2007. He has published widely on a number of topics within this academic field, including his monograph 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Political Dissident', published by Intellect in 2013. He also writes on film for popular magazines, and regularly contributes articles to 'Sight and Sound'.


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