Supervising PhDs in the arts in an age of ‘global challenges’: a question of permissions

UAL Research Season 2021 was dedicated to the theme of ‘Earth and Equity: integrating environmental and racial justice’. This short essay raises the issue of how we should supervise PhDs in the arts in the era of ‘global challenges’, suggesting that the question of ‘integration’ and the intersection of environmental and racial justice that ‘Earth and Equity’ offers points to the question of a ‘permission to research’, in which global challenges can be addressed by a focus on who has permission to engage in practice-based research in the arts and under what conditions.
Author Biography
Professor Malcolm Quinn
Malcolm Quinn is Professor of Cultural and Political History and Associate Dean of Research for Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon, University of the Arts London. In his role as Associate Dean of Research, he supports and develops the research activity of staff and students, the closer integration of research and teaching, UK and worldwide research collaborations and new ways to realise the cultural and social impact of research.